Beat The Meeting Mania

InEffective Meetings

Many people love to call meetings. For any and every problem, they will call a meeting. Call as many people as possible, and then meetings become uncontrollable, hardly ever discussing the topic which was supposed to be discussed. I have seen some people even boast that they went to 6 meetings “back to back”. I … Read more

Focus on Your Strengths

Focus on Your Strengths

We all have some strengths and some weaknesses. From school days, parents & teachers all keep hammering us regarding our weak areas. If you are weak in Maths, everyone will keep pushing you to improve your Maths. You study hard, go for tuition classes, buy extra assessment books, do more Math questions and papers to … Read more

Have You Read Any Book Recently?

For most of the adults, they hardly pick or read a book after graduating. “Isn’t it enough to study for umpteen years in college? Who wants to touch books again… Anyway, I think I already know enough!” they quip. And so once the college has ended, one may read only an occasional book in their … Read more

Are You Good At Delegating?

Delegating For Managers

Do you feel overloaded, stressed, and don’t seem to be making much progress? This is a common issue faced by most managers.  There are only a limited number of hours each day. What you do with these is crucial to your success. You must identify your core skills and tasks that only you can do, … Read more

Dump Multi Tasking. Embrace Single-Tasking!

Smallest Step Matters

As busy project managers or active team members, we seem to be running around, getting things done asap. Cheaper, Faster, Better, Multi-tasking are buzzwords which are key to our survival. Multi-tasking is a fantastic drug… it really gets you hooked. Whatever you do, you feel like you are in control, that you are doing more, … Read more

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